Delineators are tubular or
rectangular (or any other shape) posts having reflective devices
mounted over it for use on the pavements, along the edge of a
road, on islands and medians etc. The purpose of delineator as
the name suggests is to channelize traffic and to the guide the
motorists. With more than 15 different models of delineators
available, we can offer the best solution to your specific
These are made of different materials depending upon the
application. Though there are delineators made out of FRP (Fibre-Reinforced
Polymer) but the most commonly used are a combination of CRC
steel and ABS plastic with appropriate reflector. GREENLITE has
been continuously improving upon the design and have come up
with most efficient design (unbreakable at the neck) yet suited
to the Indian road conditions. This PATENTED (Patent Appl. No.
1920/DEL/2006, under Indian Patent Act: 1970) product is
manufactured under license from the inventor of the device and
is widely appreciated.
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